Thursday, October 1, 2009

PSA: Major Upgrades

Big news, Stage Rushers! To kick off this new Broadway season, Stage Rush decided to step up its game and get some upgrades. Why? Because we want to bring you the best in covering Broadway and the rush experience. And because, well, we kinda like doing it. So please listen up for the following announcements:
  • Stage Rush can now be found at (But we guess you've already realized that.)
  • Stage Rush is now on Twitter! Please follow @StageRush
When you're rushing a show, @ us on Twitter and let us know how it's going! The hours before the box office opens can move pretty slowly in those cold winter months; you might as well tell someone about it. @ us whenever you have a theater-related thought or have something you want to share. Theater is a community and we're honored to be a part of it with you. Thank you for reading Stage Rush!

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